Relocating houses tends to be a day of severely mixed emotions. On the one hand you have the emotions of happiness, excitement, feeling adventurous because of a new chapter in your life with the purchasing of a new home. However, on the other hand, you have the noticeably conflicting emotions of stress, resentment of inanimate objects, despair at the unfortunately placed washing machine that isn’t going anywhere and self-deprecation for not calling 020 3743 9354 and asking Man and Van to assist you. If you decide not to call us then you are missing out the most affordable and most experienced removals company in GU27, it is that simple. It seems a shame that you would miss out on such an opportunity to alleviate so many of those negative feelings by trying to do everything yourself. We admire independence but we also love to help because we know that moving all on your lonesome is one of the most isolating experiences you can experience. There is nothing more frustrating than beds jammed in doorways, or tables that won’t go round corners and you haven’t got any extra hands to help work out the puzzle. If you call us we can make it so easy you will be amazed.
The GU postcode refers to the area known as Guildford in the south of England; it covers sections of Surrey, Hampshire and West Sussex. GU27 in particular refers to the settlements of Haslemere, Fernhurst, Shottermill and Grayswood.
Haslemere is a town in Surrey that is at the southern most tip of the county whereby it comes into close contact with Hampshire and Sussex. The town’s earliest record dates all the way back to the early 13th century where there was thought to be a settlement residing next to a lake. The lake is not there anymore but the natural spring in the vicinity could be where the lake used to be. The town is a marvellous point of departure if you are a fan of hiking as it is at the western end of the Greensand Way, a footpath that snakes through the country side for one hundred and ten miles. The town of Haslemere is a fairly significant player in the musical world hosting the Dolmetsch Early Music Festival. This was inspired by the homemade musical instruments of Arnold Dolmetsch who emigrated from France.
Fernhurst is a picturesque village in West Sussex and is roughly three miles south of Haslemere. It is a very quiet area with little more than one and a half thousand residents meaning the tranquillity of the area is astounding. This is merely exacerbated by the surrounding topography of hills and footpaths snaking through them.
Grayswood is a small village that adjoins the main town of Haslemere and virtually indecipherable geographically. Shottermill is another such village conjoined to the larger settlement of Haslemere where the author George Eliot once had a cottage.
For the residents of GU27, the, it is fairly clear that Christmas is not an annual celebration after all. We provide a service that is ndespensable to homeowners and are looking forward to hearing from you when you call 020 3743 9354. We are extremely flexible with our booking as we try to work around your schedule not ours. Our prices are low and our employees will endeavour to aid you in whatever way possible on the day of your big move. Don’t make it any more difficult for yourself than it need be, just call us and we can do it for you.