The boxes are packed, full of plates and cutlery and other things you may have utterly forgotten about. “Good”, you think, “I’m organised and ready to make the move to my new home.’ But as you stand and survey the commendable fruits of your labour, a terrifying realisation settles upon your shoulders: “How am I going to get the beds, sofas and other heavy furniture out of this house and into the new one?.” For most people this is a terrible concern because, unless you are a white van driver, your own mode of transport will not be big enough to fit the majority of it in. This is where Man and Van steps into the breach to provide a inexpensive service that is no less necessary than a roof above your head. We can handle all the heavy lifting for you, which is over half the battle won. Most people tend to harbour doubts that if they don’t do the job themselves it won’t get done properly; well our employees are experienced and well versed in the act of moving houses so they provide a service that is tailored specifically to your needs and requests. If this sounds like a service you could do with having at your disposal then just call 020 3743 9354 and we can arrange a time and date that suits you.
The CM postcode area of Chelmsford is situated in central Essex, however it also covers part of east Hertfordshire.
Chelmsford is located in the London commuter belt and is approximately thirty two miles north east of central London and Charing Cross. If the full district is taken into consideration then Chelmsford has a population of roughly 170,000 people (a population rising yearly).
The origin of the town can be found in 12th century history when the Bishop of London, WIliam of Saint-Mere-Eglise was given the charter to hold a market. Over eight hundred years later, an undercover market is still an essential part of life in Chelmsford, showing that the city holds its traditions close to its heart.
There are numerous places of interest in Chelmsford. Hylands Park, situated in the city,hosts the annual V Festival every penultimate weekend in August bringing a huge influx of revellers.
The River Can, mentioned above, is a beautiful waterway that features part of the 1960’s flood prevention scheme that takes nothing away from its natural glamour. Hylands House and Park is a Country House and Parkland that was saved from dereliction by the local council in the 1960’s. It originally dates from the early-18th century and has an abundance of space at five hundred and seventy four acres.
Therefore, if you find yourself in need of a removals company and you live in the postcode district of CM2 then look no further than our company, who you can reach on 020 3743 9354. It is a simple case of asking; Do I want to subject myself to the stresses and strains of lifting heavy furniture all day, or do I want an experienced and friendly company to do it for me?. If you answer with the latter, then we are the company to call. We will ensure no broken furniture or items and give you the satisfaction needed to make the day that much easier for you.